Tuesday, October 16, 2012

What Can You Do to Make a College Education Worth It?

Romney talks about education and ends with a vague pander, "I know how to create jobs... and when you graduate, I'll make sure you can get a job."

The President touts the 5 million jobs created in the last 5 years and lays out the educational plan, tax plan to pay for investments in Pell grants. President Obama ties the college kid's fate to the fate of the nation.

Candy Crowley hijacks the question and asks Romney, "What's wrong with the economy right now?" Romney hits hard on economic numbers, which media will be too lazy to factcheck. Responds to "Let Detroit Go Bankrupt and that's right." Tries to tie his plan and attack the President "for letting Detroit go bankrupt"

President hitting hard on "5 point plan." President Obama: "Mitt Romney doesn't have a 5 point plan; he has a 1 point plan." Ties Romney's Bain experience with the decades of loss for the middle class.

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